
We hope you will find this site interesting, useful, and an easy way to keep up with everything that's happening at our school. Check back frequently for updates on current events and the latest news.


May 28, 2024


For the car wreck, please navigate to Snapshots 24-25, then click on Car Wreck, or just click here.

July 20, 2024


School house cleaning day was a clear success, thanks to all the brave people who showed up ready to work. It seemed as though the whole building was affected by the car wreck (read all about it here.) Outside, shrubs were pulled, flower beds lowered, and mulch layered. It all looks so good! Inside, the walls were wiped, fans and vents and lights were cleaned, bathrooms got a thorough going-over and repairs as needed, and the kitchen was refreshed.


We sincerely appreciate everyone who came to help; your interest in and support of the ministry of our school is invaluable, and we are very grateful.